Did you know that the Smithsonian Institution has its own record label? Dan Sheehy, Director of Smithsonian Folkways talks about the challenges and excitement of running a major publisher of world music.

Arts & Humanities Spotlight
These listings are taken from the Washington Post, Weekly Section. We have reprinted them here to make you aware of trends in areas you might frequent. Use caution and good judgment when you are out and about.
Northwest, DC
R Street
9 a.m. March 1 to 3 p.m. March 3. A man allegedly sexually assaulted a female in a residence.
Connecticut Avenue, 1200 block
3 to 3:05 a.m. April 2. A man approached a female from behind and demanded a cellphone. When she turned, he snatched her cellphone and purse and fled.
Connecticut Avenue, 2600 block
6:15 to 6:20 p.m. April 3. Several males picked up a bucket containing a musician's tips. The musician saw one take cash from the bucket, which was then returned to the musician. When the musician confronted them, he was assaulted. The males fled.
Prospect Street, 3000 block
4:45 to 4:50 p.m. April 5. A male grabbed propertyy from a female at a restaurant and fled.
Q Street, 1700 block
2:11 a.m. April 5. A male pedestrian was robbed by a male at gunpoint.
Wisconsin Aveneu, 2300 block
4:30 to 5 p.m. April 5. Property was stolen from a female's handbag at a grocery store.
14th and P Streets
3 to 3:02 a.m. April 3. Two pedestrians were crossing a street when a male approached from behind and knocked a cellphone from a female pedestrian's hand. He picked it up and fled.
Connecticut Avenue, 1700 block
6:30 to 6:35 a.m. April 5. A bookstore was entered by throwing a rock through a front glass door. Money was taken from a cash register, and the store was ransacked.
Woodley Road, 2600 block
4:30 to 4:31 p.m. April 2. A man knocked on a door of a hotel room and forcibly entered the room when a female opened the door. He showed a knife and sexually assaulted her, then fled.