Former United States Ambassador to Afghanistan and member of the American Academy of Diplomacy
Formerly a Deputy Assistant Secretary and twice an Ambassador (Algeria and Bahrain) Ronald E. Neumann has a combination of regional expertise and leadership ability that equip him to serve as Ambassador to the Islamic State of Afghanistan. Mr. Neumann, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, served most recently in Baghdad from February 2004 with the Coalition Provisional Authority and then as Embassy Baghdad’s principal interlocutor with the Multinational Command, where he was deeply involved in coordinating the political part of military operations in Fallujah, Najaf, and other areas.
Prior to working in Iraq, he was Chief of Mission in Manama, Bahrain (2001-2004), where, as Ambassador, he worked on maintaining the balance between urging progress on democratic reform and expanding solid relations with a friendly monarchy that was beginning important political reforms. His previous Washington assignments include service as Deputy Director of the Office of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian Affairs; Staff Assistant in the NEA Bureau; and Political Officer in the Office of Southern European Affairs.
Ambassador Neumann speaks Arabic and French. He earned a B.A. in history and an M.A. in political science from the University of California at Riverside.
Free Food and Drinks will be served at 6:15 in the alcove gallery next to the auditorium