Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall for the Book

Fall for the Book is Northern Virginia's largest and oldest literary celebration, which has grown into a week-long, multiple-venue, regional festival that brings together people of all ages and backgrounds to celebrate reading.

This year's exciting event will be conveniently held throughout Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia, bringing famous writers to your backyard. Currently there are over 75 authors confirmed in fiction to nonfiction and poetry, covering a wide range of topics such as the Civil War, mind-body medicine, politics, the environment, economics, folklore, children's books, and more. Authors coming to sign and speak about their books include Fairfax Prize winner E.L. Doctorow, author of Ragtime and The March, American Indian writer and Mason Award winner Sherman Alexie, James Ellroy, author of international bestsellers, L.A. Confidential and The Black Dahlia, and many more.

A growing list of authors and more information is available at The festival is from September 21 - 26.